
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dear Dr. OZ...

I got the idea from a friend…
I couldn't wait to start!
What are we doing. you ask?

We are starting a petition to hopefully get the attention of the national media!

THE DOCTORS show and DR. OZ!

I have started a petition on that is asking (begging, really) for these doctors to do a segment on DDH.
The numbers of infants born with hip instability is astounding.  1 in 1000!
So why isn't there more awareness and info out there?  Good question… BUT… we are standing up and going to do something!  Being in the DDH world for the last 2 years, I have heard some pretty scary stuff… I have also seen some amazing things.  It's time to stand up and do this…

As you know, I have been asked to be the parent/child advocate for One Hip World.
I am so thrilled to be a small part of something SO big and so great.  I am truly honored.

So Dr. Oz…. if you are reading. WE NEED YOU.  WE NEED YOUR HELP.
Pediatricians are missing hip dysplasia left and right.
Parents are confused on what to do.  Parents are scared out of their minds.
There is very little info out there.
Our children are suffering and us parents are overwhelmed.

My daughter, Lucy, had surgery and a body cast at 13 months.  She was in her body cast for 4 months, totally immobile.  After that, she was in a brace for 6 months!
Recently, in May of 2013, she had a pelvic osteotomy.  Wheelchair for 6 more weeks.

When DDH is picked up via ultrasound at birth-6 weeks, a pavlik harness can be used, therefore possibly not needing any surgery… We can only wonder 'what could have been…'  Maybe our lives wouldn't have been surgeries, casts, tears, and heartache… Maybe… just maybe, by doing a show on DDH, we can help prevent this from happening to more children.

Parents like us have started online support groups via Facebook, and One Hip World.
We need more.
We need national attention to DDH.

Please help us!



Lucy's mom


LINK to our petition:
(Please sign and share!!!)

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